Detail of the skateboard in the current exhibition
Tom Grimm wurde 1969 in Rottweil geboren. Bereits 1987 fertigt er erste Objekte und Texte. 1988 wurde ihm die Kriegs- und Ersatzdienstuntauglichkeit attestiert. 1991 schließt er seine Elektronikerlehre ab. Im Jahre 2001 erhält er einen Förderpreis der Kulturstiftung Rottweil. Von 2002 bis 2003 arbeitet Grimm als Bühnenplastiker am Nationaltheater Mannheim. Seit 1991 ist er in ca. 100 Einzel- und Gruppenausstellungen, Bühnenbildern, Audio- und Buchveröffentlichungen dem Kunstpublikum präsent.
Tom Grimm was born 1969 in Rottweil. In 1987 he already created his first objects and texts. In 1988 he was attested unfit for military service. In 1991 he finished his apprenticeship as an electronic technician and in 2001 he was awarded a grant from the Rottweil Arts Foundation. From 2002 to 2003 Grimm worked as a theatrical sculptor at the National Theatre Mannheim. Since 1991, the art audience perceives his work due to approximately 100 solo and group exhibitions, stage sets, audio and book releases.
Greg Gossel was born in 1982 in western Wisconsin. With a background in design, his work is an expressive interplay of many diverse words, images, and gestures. Gossel’s multi-layered work illustrates a visual history of change and process that simultaneously features and condemns popular culture. His work has been exhibited throughout the U.S. and abroad, including New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, London, Copenhagen, and Japan. His commercial clients include Chivas Regal, KFC, Levi’s, American Express, Hyundai, Burton Snowboards, and Interscope Records; and has been published widely, including The San Francisco Chronicle and Juxtapoz Art & Culture Magazine. Greg currently resides in Trimbelle, Wisconsin.